Posted by Dave Kaplan
4 years ago / November 10, 2020
Customization Series, Part 2: Secondary Treatments

Selecting hardware that both matches and elevates your extracts does not automatically merit success in the market. You still need to make your product line stand out from the competition on retail shelves. It needs to turn heads and delight your consumer demographics in ways no other devices on the market do.
That’s why Greentank offers more in-depth customization options than any other vape hardware manufacturer in the world. When you partner with Greentank, you don’t just get the industry’s highest performing and most reliable vape devices. You also get a blank canvas to imprint your brand’s D.N.A. and blueprints upon so you can turn your hardware visions into reality.
This series will take a close look at the various types of customization options Greentank offers. Last time, we went over our 7 distinct surface finishes. Today, we’re looking at our 10 unique secondary features and the aesthetic possibilities that each affords:
This shiny treatment uses a mechanical, oil-infused ink-transferring process to add extra layers of detail to housing and bases. Glossy silkscreen is typically applied on top of matte, rubber oil or electroplated surface finishes to make artwork pop. Ideal for brands that want their products to stand out on dispensary shelves.
This silkscreen treatment gives your device a metallic aesthetic for a premium look and feel. Choose any metallic pantone to create a distinctive sheen that accentuates your artwork. Metallised silkscreen pairs best with a matte base and hot stamp foiling. Perfect for brands looking to make a splash in the market.
The glossiest of our silkscreen treatments, with UV light added. Spot UV allows you to imbue your product line with contrast, texture, and depth by adding multiple levels of sheen to printed logos and designs. This distinctive, and surprisingly cost-effective treatment, is available in a clear coating or as a custom pantone and pairs perfectly with any of our surface finish options.
This muted treatment uses a mechanical ink-transferring process devoid of oil or UV light to achieve a more classic and sophisticated aesthetic. Matte silk screen pairs best with electroplated or glossy surface finishes. Perfect for brands looking to create elegant product lines with more subdued layers of detail.
Give your product line a precision-milled aesthetic with this treatment that permanently engraves your brand’s name, logo or design onto the outer layer of your hardware. Laser etching can be applied uniformly to metal, glass, ceramic, plastic or wood. Another excellent option for brands looking to distinguish their unique artwork or logos with contrast, texture and depth.
LED lights illuminate your logo prominently with every draw. Match your brand’s aesthetic to one of our seven LED color options and our library of cap customization and treatment capabilities. Ideal for differentiating distinct SKUs within the same product line.
This versatile treatment prints transparent, premium labels directly onto cartridge windows. Unlike silkscreen treatments, which are limited to four color options, roll print treatments allow you to apply as many colors as you want. That’s why it’s perfect for complex and multicolor logos. Roll prints can also be used to heighten contrasts and even apply regulatory symbols.
Pre-dried inks or metallic foils are stamped onto the surface of your hardware or packaging at high temperatures to give your brand’s logo or artwork a reflective, metallic appearance. Hot stamp foiling can also be used to add subtle layers of depth and texture to your product. An excellent option to add an additional dimension of detail to a wrap-print finish.
Catch consumers’ eyes with this water-transferring treatment that applies intricate prints and patterns to your device. A great way to layer in texture to your hardware. Perfect for brands looking to go that extra mile to separate themselves from the crowded pack.
Not only does this treatment infuse your hardware with a top-shelf feel, it also protects your extract from harmful UV rays. Tint your cartridges in one of our seven color options or protect it with a UV-coated barrier. An ideal customization choice for brands catering to the vape connoisseur demographic with premium product lines.
For pricing or more product information, please contact us today.
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